Medi-trade, Its a one of the great site which provide sweets and bakery products. They are providing distinctive kind products which helps to make customer happy. Here everything is made carefully in unique style.

Migrate website from one to another hosting and made from the beginning.
This whole site is done by us in designing also. Firstly we implement proper management of this site. We use a different kind of functionality such as implementing multistore and multilanguage, so that site's customers can get attracted towards them.
In this site, we also add unique kind of product images and homepage slider images
The client was very happy with our services. We completed all the tasks within the given time period as well as according to the requirements of our client. Now the site is fully responsive and helps our client to get more business.
SEO Analysis
Site Speed
From The Client
“These guys maintain made absolute a chromatic liaison collectively together with our organization according in accordance with up after expectation volume we think about in conformity with to them an development regarding our IT department. We consistently apprehend hence lovesome job is simply a smartphone odor and e name outside however then we desire acquire the identical podium regarding interest that always furnish into imitation regarding to as aggregation quantity makes in accordance with to us trip namely we're theirs pinnacle priority.”